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Bencher Self Evaluation

As a Bencher of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador (the “Law Society”), you are part of a group with a collective experience and shared responsibilities. The group experience is most successful when expectations are clearly defined and agreed to by all parties. Clarity of purpose may be achieved by engaging in self-evaluation. The purpose of this survey is to focus on key responsibilities, relationships and outcomes – and to foster an environment of organizational excellence. Please take a few moments to read the following statements. How accurately do they describe your experience? Answer on a scale of one to six, with one being “not at all like us” and six being “very much like us”.

Oversight and Direction Setting

We understand our roles and responsibilities as Benchers such that we can provide proper oversight and direction setting.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We participate in Benchers’ Meetings where the majority of the agenda and Bencher time is focussed on issues of direction setting, policy and strategy.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We maintain sound fiscal policy and practices and realistically face the financial ability of the Law Society to support its program of work.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We are committed to strategically planning for the long-term future of the Law Society, consider this a regular activity of Benchers, and weigh all decisions in terms of what is best for those served by the Law Society.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We work to foster growth in the Law Society based on the ability to understand how the decision(s) interrelate with Law Society Committees, other law societies in Canada, other regulators and other external organizations (i.e. the Law Foundation, PLIAN).
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We take into consideration the immediate and long-term issues and ramifications associated with the decisions and actions that are taken.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We are satisfied that Benchers provide direction to Law Society staff so that the Law Society can fulfill its mandate.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.

Relationship with Executive Director

We have clarified (in writing, if appropriate) a mutually agreed upon definition of what success will look like for the Law Society and for the performance of the Executive Director, and we have provided the resources and authority necessary to achieve expectations.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We have provided the Executive Director with a clear statement of the personal qualities and performance expectations against which they will be measured periodically, and we have agreed to a formative process for providing feedback as plans are being executed.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We provide opportunities, encouragement and resources for the professional growth and development of the Executive Director and staff.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We discuss immediately, rather than allow to fester or deteriorate those items that are controversial to either Benchers or the Executive Director.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.

Bencher Meetings and Relationship

We honor the established procedures for Bencher Meetings, providing ample time for interested parties to be heard, but preventing a single individual or group from dominating the discussion.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We seek ways to support the Executive Committee and fellow Benchers in the successful execution of leadership duties. We seek to recognize the strengths of each Bencher and provide opportunities for the Law Society to benefit from these strengths.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We make informed decisions based on data available and support the Law Society’s commitment to collecting the information needed for sound decision making.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We are satisfied that we receive and/or can request adequate information for sound decision making.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We do not redo the work of Committees or other working groups.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We seek and respect the opinion or recommendation of senior staff when considering a decision and ensure that Law Society committees and other working groups are given proper authority and resources for the completion of assignments.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We take the appropriate time for decision making (e.g. controversial items are given adequate attention, and matters of urgency are acted on with deliberate speed) and present decisions of Benchers without bias to others.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.

Stakeholder Relationships

We actively foster a clear understanding of the Law Society, its future direction and its leadership decisions among the stakeholders, and actively foster open lines of two-way communication and information sharing between leadership and stakeholders.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We seek to be fully informed of stakeholder attitudes and the special interest groups seeking to influence the Law Society, and are fully prepared to represent the interests of the Law Society to others.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We act responsibly in channeling concerns, complaints and criticism of the Law Society through the Executive Director, and we speak thoughtfully in the face of unjust criticism of others.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.

Personal Qualities

We are satisfied that all Benchers are appropriately prepared for the Benchers’ Meetings.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We demonstrate an ability to think independently, grow in knowledge and rely on fact rather than prejudice, and are willing to hear, understand and consider all sides of a controversial question.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We show respect for the intentions and interests of others and for group decisions cooperatively reached.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We have a willingness to devote the necessary time to fulfilling the responsibilities of a Bencher.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.
We are prepared to let go of our leadership roles and fully support (not interfere with) those who follow in future leadership.
1 being “not at all like us” and 6 being “very much like us”.


The Executive Director will collect and interpret the responses to all questions in accordance with this Interpretation Chart, including any suggestions on how improvements can be made. The Executive Director will report the results to Benchers and will make recommendations on how to improve areas where there is not a positive consensus for Benchers consideration.