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Discipline Decision – 2022

Susan LeDrew, QC entered guilty pleas respecting allegations of conduct deserving of sanction which occurred at St. John’s during the period 2015 through 2018. The conduct included failure to comply with the Uniform Trust Account Rules.

Susan LeDrew, QC practices as a sole practitioner as LeDrew Law, 52 O’Regan Road, St. John’s, NL.

An Adjudication Tribunal of the Disciplinary Panel of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador ordered:

a. Pursuant to paragraph 49(2)(g) of the Law Society Act, 1999, SNL 1999, c L-9.1, as amended (the “Act”), the Respondent’s right to practice law is to be suspended for a period of 60 days, which suspension is to be served at such time as may be determined at the discretion of the Law Society.
b. Pursuant to paragraph 49(2)(n)(vii) of the Act, the Respondent may continue to practice subject to the following conditions, which shall remain in effect for 12 months from the publication of this decision: that she disclose to the Law Society’s Trust Auditor, on a monthly basis, on or before the last day of each month:

i. A copy of the Trust receipts journal;
ii. A copy of the Trust disbursements journal;
iii. A copy of the General receipts journal;
iv. A copy of the General disbursements journal;
v. A copy of the Fees journal;
vi. A copy of the Client trust listing including explanations for any inactive client trust ledgers;
vii. A copy of the Trust bank reconciliation; and,
viii. A summary of all outstanding personal income tax returns, corporate income tax returns, and HST filings, including an update on anticipated time to complete the aforementioned obligations.

c. Pursuant to paragraph 49(2)(l) of the Act, the Respondent shall pay the expenses incurred by the Law Society in the investigation and hearing of the Complaint in the amount of $2,000.00 plus disbursements.
d. A summary of this decision or order is to be published in accordance with the Law Society Rules.
e. This decision and order shall take effect upon service in accordance with the Law Society Rules.