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Administrative Law Conference 2024

November 21, 2024

9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Vancouver Location TBA
or attend via webinar

Can’t make the webinar or rebroadcasts?
Want online CPD available 24/7?
Subscribe to Courses On Demand, our comprehensive online resource with 21,500+ videos and 5,400+ papers from CLEBC courses. This course will be added to Courses on Demand approximately 30 days from the original course date.

Who should attend: Those who appear before, advise, or sit as a member of an administrative tribunal and/or those who appear as counsel in court in applications for judicial review and appeals from administrative tribunals.

Learning level: Intermediate/Advanced

It can be difficult to stay on top of all the changes happening in administrative law.

This annual conference is your efficient solution to learning about recent decisions, legislative updates, and current trends in this complex practice area. Hear from a distinguished faculty of judges, academics, and leading lawyers who have researched, analyzed, and curated key developments over the past year to share with you.

You will leave this conference up to date and equipped with new practice tips for your administrative law files. This year, we are pleased to have the Honourable Michelle O’Bonsawin speaking at the conference.

Join us and review a year’s worth of administrative law developments in a day!

Law Society of BC CPD Hours: 6 hours (this course will contain a minimum of 1 hour pertaining to professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management).

Course Chairs
Kaitlyn Chewka — Lovett Westmacott, Victoria
Alison M. Latimer, KC — Barrister & Solicitor, Vancouver

*Please note: The in-person session is dependent on a minimum number of registrants and may not be confirmed until 4 weeks before the course date.

Are you a member of the Indigenous legal community (lawyer/Articled Student/legal support staff/paralegal) or a non-lawyer Indigenous community member?
We value your contributions and encourage your participation in all of our programs. To increase accessibility, we offer a 50% discount* to all Indigenous lawyers/Articled Students/legal support staff/paralegals and a limited number of free online registrations to non-lawyer Indigenous community members. (*discount applies to Regular prices, not Early Bird prices). Please contact Customer Service to find out more.

Unable to attend a course without financial assistance from CLEBC?
Click here for bursary information.

Want to register for a course now, but prefer a monthly payment plan?
Check out our Easy Pay Plan.

Registration includes an electronic copy of the reference materials and lunch for in-person registration.

Just want the materials from the course?
Subscribe to Online Course Materials and access 5,400+ papers produced for CLEBC courses since 2001.

CLEBC Program Lawyer*
Nadia Myerthall