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If I am feeling stressed or overwhelmed in my practice (or my personal life is affecting my work life), can the Law Society help me?

The Law Society provides membership in the Professional’s Assistance Program for all members of the Law Society. This program ensures that effective counselling and emotional assistance for personal problems is available to members.

The Professional’s Assistance Program is available 24 hours a day/365 and available in person, telephone, video, or online. The service is both multicultural and multilingual as needed.

See the Insurance & Risk Management > Professional’s Assistance Program page on our website for more details.

I am a member of the Professional’s Assistance Program – can I provide this program to my staff or family?

The program is available to member lawyers, their staff, articled clerks, students, and their families.

Do I have to pay for this program? Do I have to pay for speaking with a counsellor?

The Insurance and Risk programme pays for the program as we are committed to ensuring that you have the support you need to serve the public properly. There is no charge to use the service or for additional appointments.

I know that service to the profession is an important part of the job of being a lawyer, but how do I find volunteer opportunities?

There are many different ways to give back to the profession in a volunteer capacity. The Law Society posts volunteer and job opportunities on our website News section so it’s a good idea to check these on a regular basis to see if something interests you.

Serving on Law Society committees and/or the Bencher’s is an excellent venue for volunteering and being involved in the decision making of the Law Society. When a committee needs additional members, an email is sent to all members for expressions of interest in service and it is posted to our website.

Why are there so many forms for the Law Society?

The Law Society is mandated to regulate the legal profession. In order to do this we require members to self-report changes and actions regarding their practice. This is done by the completion of forms mandated by the Law Society Rules and the committees that govern the various aspects of the Law Society.

Do I have to provide a form every time I made a change to my employment/professional status?

Yes, see the Rules.

Can I file my forms electronically?

While the forms are not yet set up to be completed electronically and emailed, you can provide a copy of the form by email, fax, registered mail, or in-person.

I need to see a member of the Law Society staff, can I just come in or do I need to make an appointment?

We strongly recommend making an appointment as our staff have many responsibilities and meetings and there is no guarantee that they will be available to meet with you without an appointment.

Please note that the Law Society is locked during open hours and there is no access to the upper floors. If you do come down to the Law Society to meet with someone, please note that you must come into the Law Library/Law Society reception and ask for the person you are meeting with. The staff of the Law Library will contact that person on your behalf.