French Language Survey and directory of French-speaking Lawyers
Currently, French is the native language of 5,930 individuals in Newfoundland and Labrador. However, many factors limit the access that these individuals have to legal services in their first language.
One of these factors is a lack of awareness of French-speaking legal professionals. In order to improve access to French-language legal services in the province, the Réseau Justice en français (Francophone Justice Network of Newfoundland and Labrador) plans to build a DIRECTORY of judiciary and other legal practitioners who can offer their services in French.
Upon completion, the directory will be made available via the francophone web-portal ( The Réseau Justice en français is also taking this opportunity to launch a survey to better understand the relationship that legal professionals have with the French language.
Whether you speak French or not, you are invited to take the time to complete this short survey and you may wish to have your name included in the Directory of French-speaking legal professionals in Newfoundland and Labrador.
To access the survey in English / Pour accéder au sondage en français