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International Organization for Judicial Training Conference – October 30, 2022

The 10th Conference of the International Organization for Judicial Training is being held in Ottawa from October 30 to November 3, 2022 and the National Judicial Institute is hosting the conference. The theme, Effective Judicial Education: Understanding Vulnerable Populations, will have plenary sessions, panel discussions, and workshops that will look at three broad topics: ensuring effective and fair access to justice for all, effective judicial pedagogy and lessons learned during the pandemic, and the way forward for in-person and virtual delivery of judicial education.

We would like to invite you to attend. Registration is available at, where you will find information on how to register, the cost of attending, and links to accommodation in Ottawa.

The themes of this conference and the importance of ensuring a well-educated, independent judiciary is of interest to the entire legal community. This conference will bring together judges and judicial trainers from over 30 countries, address difficult and emerging topics in judicial and legal education and allow all participants the opportunity to learn, share experiences and knowledge, and develop ongoing professional friendships.

If there are any questions about the conference, please email