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Law Firms Lose Thousands on Training and Development Programs for Lawyers

For lawyers and law firms, excelling in their profession is only one side of the coin when it comes to building a practice. The flip side is developing every savvy entrepreneur’s skills to grow a successful business. Law firms spend thousands of dollars annually on group training and coaching that frequently fail to meet requirements relevant to law practitioners. One very thoughtful law business coach recognized the severity of the problem and came up with a surprisingly effective solution.

The Challenges of Building a Law Practice

Gary Mitchell, founder, and Principal at OnTrac® Coach is a seasoned business coach and initially began coaching lawyers on the business side of law in 2006. He quickly realized that lawyers faced the same challenges as other entrepreneurs in growing a business, but they had a unique perspective when it came to integrating change into their practices.

“In group settings, lawyers will not let their guard down,” says Mitchell. “They won’t admit they don’t know something in front of their peers. In addition to that challenge, there is no individual attention. No opportunity to go deeper into the individual challenges, fears, and frustrations each lawyer faces. While valuable information, tips, and strategies can be shared, there is no opportunity to put that learning into practice while having some level of guidance.”

The growing popularity of online, self-paced learning environments caught Mitchell’s attention and triggered an idea. What if he could design an app that gave law firms the success tools he offered within his one-to-one coaching programs but with a twist – the ability to do the work in private?  Propelled by the vision, he set out to design a solution that combines technology with learning.

The Law Practice Builder App™ Goes to Market

Mitchell’s brainchild, The Law Practice Builder App™ is the latest tool on the market when it comes to law firm training for their lawyers (Can) and attorneys (US).

It takes the participant through the same process used in Mitchell’s one-to-one coaching. In fact, it is a blend of his Practice Management (Time and Organization), Business Development (Attracting clients), and Leadership (Growing your team) programs. It covers everything a lawyer needs to know and do to build their law practice.

Self-paced Learning Tailored to Law Practitioners

Lawyers have the freedom and control over which modules they take, in what order, and how much time they spend on each one. The App includes tip sheets, self-assessments, and worksheets that cover mindset, practice management, business development, client service, HR, marketing, and leadership.

“For lawyers, while they want independence, they still want to feel that they are receiving support that is tailored to them,” Mitchell acknowledges. “In group settings, this is not possible.”

The Business Growth Solution for Law Firms

For individual lawyers, the Law Practice Builder App™ provides the independence they seek, while at the same time taking them through a process that is more specific to their situation and goals. For law firms, the App is the solution that brings their practitioners on board with the firm’s business aspirations. Ultimately, it is a sound financial investment.

“For law firms, group coaching and training doesn’t work”, Mitchell goes on to say. “Larger firms have typically thrown thousands of dollars towards group training with little to show for it. This will most certainly change the ways law firms deliver training and development for their associates, and, in some cases, even partners.”

Mitchell is quick to point out that to his knowledge, there is nothing else on the market today like the Law Practice Builder App™ that specifically caters to growing a successful law business.

More information can be found at


Gary Mitchell has tailored his coaching practice exclusively to lawyers since 2005. He has accumulated tremendous industry knowledge and insights. Gary has authored three books. The first two on business development were published by Thomson in 2012 and 2014. His latest, ‘Growing a Law Practice During Covid-19’, was published by Lexis Nexis in 2021. Recently Gary launched a new App to help lawyers grow their practices, The Law Practice Builder App™. He has been named by two independent organizations among the top 10 business coaches for lawyers and law firms. While one of the first lawyer coaches, Gary continues to look for ways to innovate and bring more value to his clients.

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