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Discourse and Discovery: Sir Richard Whitbourne Quatercentennial Symposium 1615 – 2015 and Beyond. Edited by Melvin Baker, Christopher Curran and J. Derek Green (2017)



In June 2015, the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador, in conjunction with the National Judicial Institute and the SS Daisy Legal History Committee of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador, held a symposium to mark the 400th anniversary of the holding by Sir Richard Whitbourne of a court of Vice Admiralty in Newfoundland.  The holding of the court at Trinity on June 4, 1615, which was repeated in other communities along the eastern coast of the island during the summer of 1615, is reputed to have been the first such formal judicial proceeding held under the umbrella of English admiralty law to that time in North America.  This publication contains the edited versions of most of the papers and presentations made on the first day of the symposium with its focus on the province’s legal history, plus some additional historical material. Contributing authors include: Dr. Melvin Baker, Dr. Jerry Bannister, Hon. David M. Brown, Hon Justice Thomas A. Cromwell, Christopher P. Curran Q.C., David C. Day Q.C., Dr. Peter E. Pope, Dr. Philip Girard, Hon, J. Derek Green, Professor Emeritus W. Gordon Handcock, Hon. Judge John L. Joy, Professor Emeritus John McLaren and Dr. Lynne Phillips.    B & W and full colour illustrations, a timeline of milestone events in the history of English Law and Judicature in Newfoundland and Labrador and a select bibliography supplement the text.

Additional information

Weight .855 kg
Dimensions 22 × 18 × 3 cm