How long is the required articling period?
Students must complete a 52-week articling term, which includes the 6-week Bar Admission Course.
Can I complete my articling term on a part-time basis?
An individual may apply to complete their articles on a part-time basis by submitting a Part-Time Articles of Clerkship form to the Education Committee, which may approve or deny such request in their discretion. Please note that all students are required to be enrolled as members of the Law Society within 3 years from the date they commenced their articling term, or they shall be removed from the register of students.
When do I start earning credit for articling?
Students do not earn credit for articling until the first day of the applicable articling term (January 30th or June 1st) following the student’s admission to the Law Society as a student-at-law. Credit toward articles cannot be given retroactively for any service done prior to this date.
Do I have to submit any reports or documents during my articling period?
Once approved as a student-at-law, the following forms are to be completed and provided to the Law Society at various times throughout the 12 months of articling:
- Articling Skills and Experience Checklist
- Articling Skills and Experience Progress Report
- Certificate of Completion of Articles (Principal)
- Certificate of Completion of Articles (Student)
What do I do if I change my principal during my articles?
Students who change principals during their articling term must arrange for the following forms to be completed and provided to the Law Society:
- Assignment of Articles of Clerkship
- Declaration of Previous Principal
Can I be absent from articles?
All absences must be approved by your principal. Students are not permitted to be absent from the practice of their principal for a cumulative period exceeding 20 working days except with the approval of the Education Committee.