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The Complaints Authorization Committee counselled a member that the failure to disclose a conflict of interest does not comply with the standard of conduct contemplated by Chapter V, rule and commentaries 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 and 13 of the Code of Professional Conduct.


The Complaints Authorization Committee cautioned a member that the member’s failure to fulfill an Undertaking and the member’s failure to respond to another member’s correspondence in a timely manner does not comply with the standard of conduct contemplated by Chapter XVI, commentaries 6 and 7 of the Code of Professional Conduct.

The Complaints Authorization Committee cautioned a member that the member’s failure to notify the client in a timely fashion that liability had been denied and the member was not prepared to continue with the claim does not comply with the standard of conduct contemplated by Chapter II, commentary 7 (a) and (l) of the Code of Professional Conduct.