Offered by: Osgoode School of Law
Ensure you have an up-to-date understanding of the key evidentiary principles and strategies that are essential to build your case, whether or not it proceeds to trial.
The law and best practices concerning evidence are continually evolving, so as a litigator, it is critical to not just keep on pace but to stay ahead of emerging issues.
Now in its 17th year, this celebrated annual OsgoodePD conference will give you the practical tips and knowledge you need to prevail in negotiations, discoveries, motions, pretrials and trials.
Over one day, you will have the opportunity to tap into the expertise of a distinguished faculty of judges and litigators, get the updated knowledge you need to remain current, and deepen your understanding of ongoing evidentiary issues that could impact your case.
Registration includes 120-day unlimited, online access to the recorded program.
What You’ll Learn
Who Should Attend