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De-escalating Potentially Violent Situations

December 19, 2024

For those who work in an environment where there is potential for violence, it is important to develop the skills needed to defuse dangerous situations. This workshop is designed to teach people to de-escalate potentially violent situations through assertiveness and interpersonal communication. The training will explore how anger and violence interplay, including opportunities for self-assessment of personal communication styles. Participants will develop a clear understanding of how to assess the potential for violence and respond with a diverse set of interpersonal tools and strategies designed to defuse potentially violent situations.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the role of anger in violent incidents
  • Identify their own styles of interaction
  • Describe a framework for defusing potentially violent situations
  • Identify potential risk factors
  • Apply the principles learned to their own environment

Method of Delivery

Presentation, video, case study exercises, experiential practice, delivered electronically.

*Please allow only the registered individual(s) to view the materials.

Some of the Topics Included

  • The Physical Violence Spectrum
  • Rating Your Workplace Risk Levels
  • Anger Cycle and Escalation
  • Anger Styles Assessment Questionnaire
  • Warning Signs of Potential for Violence
  • The Aggression Defusing Process
  • Approaching, Containment, and Problem-Solving Strategies
  • When and How to Disengage
  • Special Considerations for Unique Situations
  • Addressing Enablers of Violence

Target Audience

This is an introductory-intermediate level workshop intended for anyone wanting to learn more about violence and interpersonal strategies useful in de-escalating the imminent threats of violence.

Terms & Conditions

View our cancellation policy and other information regarding your live virtual workshop or for your in-person workshop.

This is a live virtual event, please check your system requirements prior to registering.

Trainer: Jaicee Chartrand


Jaicee is Cree-Métis and grew up on Treaty 2 Land, and now lives on Treaty 1 Land in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She is a Registered Professional Counsellor and a Certified Indigenous Addictions Specialist, with over fifteen years of experience in frontline and leadership positions in mental health, addictions, and social services. In addition to training with CTRI, Jaicee owns a private counselling practice and is a Certified Universal Shamanic Practitioner. She mindfully seeks healing spaces that provide learning and education through traditional values and a two-eyed-seeing lens. And as a helper, Jaicee believes real change happens through relationships, authenticity, and empowerment. As someone who embraces open-heartedness and authenticity, Jaicee integrates her lived experiences into her trainings. She trains from a collectivist perspective, where we come together as equal learners and sharers of knowledge to serve and support our healing communities.