Take advantage of this unique opportunity to take a deep dive into how to draft legally solid and successful warrants.
Court decisions continue to make apparent the importance of clear, accurate and complete warrant applications, and the dire consequences of deficient drafting.
This practical program will give you the knowledge and skills you need to draft, review, and revise a wide variety of search warrants, and to identify and develop winning strategies for defending or attacking them.
Can’t Make the Date? Registration includes 120-day unlimited, online access to the recorded program. Please note the workshop will NOT be recorded.
What You’ll Learn
- Practical issues in the warrant Process: Cross-Discipline Panel Discussion
- Latest Hot Issues in Computer and Related Technology Searches
- Review of the Foundational Principles of Search and Seizure
- Warrant Writing and Reviewing 101
PLUS! Take your learning to the next level in the optional, warrant drafting workshop on March 26. Space is strictly limited to ensure interactivity (for Day One registrants only).
Who Should Attend
- Law enforcement officers
- Regulatory investigators (federal and provincial)
- Crown attorneys and federal prosecutors
- Judges, including Justices of the Peace and lower Court judges from all provinces and territories
- Defence lawyers