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Expert Evidence 2025

March 4

Be an expert in managing expert evidence!

Can’t make the webinar or rebroadcasts? Want online CPD available 24/7?
Subscribe to Courses On Demand, our comprehensive online resource with 1,500+ videos and 5,400+ papers from CLEBC courses. This course will be added to Courses on Demand approximately 30 days from the original course date.

Who should attend: This program is designed for civil and criminal litigatorsplaintiff civil, defendant civil, Crown counsel, and criminal defence counsel

Learning level: Fundamental/Intermediate

Expert evidence is prevalent in BC civil and criminal proceedings. Developments in the law and procedure relating to reports by experts have heightened the importance of the court exercising its gatekeeping function and raised the threshold for admissibility. As a result, disputes at trial respecting the admissibility and weight of expert evidence are now common.

This course will survey the recent developments in the law and provide in-depth analysis and guidance on the selection and instruction of experts, how to avoid common pitfalls in the preparation of reports, challenging expert reports, and the direct and cross-examination of experts at trial. You will be provided sophisticated and practical instruction from different perspectives on all aspects of expert evidence.

We recommend that you have your copy of Expert Evidence in BC Civil Proceedings – 6th Edition. If you do not have this valuable resource, you may purchase a copy at the same time as you register for the course. Please Contact Customer Service to order.

Law Society of BC CPD Hours: 6 hours (this course will contain a minimum of 1 hour pertaining to professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management)

Course Chairs
Theresa Iandiorio, KC  Crown Counsel, Ministry of Attorney General, Vancouver
Michael Parrish  Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Vancouver