Given that many of us spend about 60 percent of our time at work, organizations can significantly influence our sense of psychological safety. When people feel afraid to make mistakes, ask for help, or share opinions and concerns, it may mean the organization is not psychologically safe. The fear is that they will be judged, reacted to harshly, or even punished for speaking up.
A psychologically safe workplace is one where people feel comfortable expressing themselves and have the confidence to bring issues or ideas forward to both employers and colleagues, leading to a culture of learning, innovation, and collaboration.
This workshop explores the key characteristics of a psychologically healthy and safe workplace, and the roles both employees and employers play in creating this environment. You will explore the 13 factors of psychological safety and practice strategies to enhance, support, and maintain psychological health in your organization.
Upon completion, participants should be able to:
Presentation, video, personal reflection, delivered electronically.
*Please allow only the registered individual(s) to view the materials.
Note: An e-manual for this workshop is included in purchase.
This is an intermediate level workshop applicable to both managers and employees.
View our cancellation policy and other information regarding your live virtual workshop or for your in-person workshop.
This is a live virtual event, please check your system requirements prior to registering.
Participants will receive the Zoom meeting login details and information about viewing the live virtual workshop by email 3-4 calendar days prior to the date of the event.
Please note, payment is required in order to receive the login details.
Jennifer is a facilitator and instructional designer with over 12 years’ experience designing and delivering in-class and online training workshops. She holds a Master of Arts in Applied Communication and a Bachelor of Post-Secondary Education. Jennifer has designed and facilitated courses in core areas such as workplace psychological safety, interpersonal communication, and conflict resolution. As a certified Positive Psychology Coach, she has trained in the study of workplace wellness and personal well-being. Jennifer is passionate about creating psychological safety in the workplace and believes it is what truly leads to high-performing and motivated teams. She is an energetic and thoughtful presenter who is committed to providing learning experiences that are fun, engaging, and easily applicable. Read blogs written by Jennifer here.