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Workplace Fatality Cases 2024

June 24, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

A workplace death has occurred. Do you know your client’s rights and obligations before the investigation starts to unfold?

via webinar only

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Who should attend: Criminal defence counsel, in-house counsel, WorkSafeBC counsel

Learning level: All levels

Workplace fatalities are a tragic reality in a wide range of settings. When a fatality occurs, many businesses are not prepared to face the investigative machinery of WorkSafeBC and the RCMP.

It is not a simple matter. The WorkSafeBC investigation under the BC Worker’s Compensation Act is a very different creature from a criminal investigation by RCMP or city police under the Criminal Code.

This comprehensive half-day program will examine the two processes, illuminating the differences and nuances of the two processes and how various factors will dictate the best course of action for a business. As counsel, you need to be ready for the call when a workplace death happens!