Access cards are available, free of charge, to judges, lawyers, and registered law students by contacting the library at As the library is locked during business hours, we suggest you bring your access card with you. If you are practicing outside the greater St. John’s area contact us to have an access card sent to you.
For Circulating Texts – the borrowing period is two weeks.
For Reserve texts in the glass bookcase near the reception desk – the borrowing period is 3 days.
Items marked For Library Use Only / Periodicals / Items from the 2nd floor – these items are for use in the library only and may not be borrowed. Photocopying/Scanning is available in the Library for items that do not circulate.
All circulating items must be signed out before being removed from the Law Library – to sign out an item, remove the book card from the pocket and fill in your name, phone number, and the current date. Place the completed card in the grey box located at the reception desk marked “Borrower Cards”.
Members may renew up to three times by contacting the Law Library at 709-753-7770 or email
In the event that you are in need of an article or book not in the library collection, we are able to place an interlibrary loan request to a variety of law society and academic libraries in Canada. The only fees charged for this service are those charged to us by the lending library. Please contact the Law Library at 709-753-7770 or email and provide as much information about the item as possible (title, author, publisher, date, etc.). Please note borrowing periods are set by the lending library and may be different from those of the Law Library. Most Interlibrary loans are not available to be renewed. This service is restricted to Members only.
If you require aid in using the photocopier please ask for assistance from the Library staff. The cost of photocopying is $0.50 per page. Please write the total amount of photocopying completed in the log book beside the photocopier when finished and an invoice will be sent to your firm.
At their desktop, lawyers have access to CanLII and the Irwin E-Library (please contact the Law Library for the login information). In the library lawyers have access to the following databases for legal research: DivorceMate, Heinonline, and WestlawNext Canada. Please contact the Law Library for content which is available from LexisNexis Advance Quicklaw (Canadian, American, and International), ICLR, and O’Brien’s Forms.
Call us at (709) 753-7770 or 1-800-984-7770 or by email