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Legal French for Beginners Series


Description The Fédération des Francophones de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador, in partnership with Memorial University and the Centre Canadien de français juridique, and with the support of the Law Society...

Introduction to Family Dispute Resolution


Get started on training to become a Family Law Mediator 9:00 am – 5:30 pm (both days) via webinar only Please note: This course will not be added to Courses on Demand.  Courses involving...

How to Create a Workplace Where People Like to Work


Based on the book, The Culture Question, this workshop provides a guide for how every organization can become a great place to work. Workplace culture is the most significant factor that...

Emotional Intelligence


Why do some people have trouble being effective in their roles or working well with others? It is usually not because they lack skills; rather, it is often because they...

Family Mediation – Theory, Skills, and Practice by MDW Mediation


Dates: September 19-20, and October 23-25, 2024 (40 hours) Cost: $2,000 Multi-course discount: Deduct $100 off the price of your second, and each subsequent, course. Pre-requisites: Law degree or mental health professional, unless otherwise...