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Family History Society of Newfoundland and Labrador April Lecture: William Keen and the Trial of Murder and Other Felony Offences in Newfoundland


Family History Society of Newfoundland and Labrador - Online Lecture Presenter: Chris Curran Login information: You can begin to sign in 30 minutes beforehand. William Keen and the Trial of Murder and other Felony Offences in Newfoundland William Keen came to Newfoundland in 1704 and became a prominent St. John's businessman. He developed extensive...

Time Management and Workload Balance (In-person)

The Gardiner Centre Emera Innovation Exchange, Signal Hill Campus Suite 1014, 100 Signal Hill Road, St. John's, NL, Canada

REGISTER NOW Learn how to ease your workload by organizing and executing your priorities while managing other influences that impact your time and ability to get things done. This course provides strategies and tools which can be used in the workplace to guide priority planning and workload balance.  Participants learn practical skills to make the...


Mental Health Summit for Legal Professionals 2024 by the Law Society of Ontario


Description Whether it is from trying to balance unpredictable work commitments with personal and family responsibilities, or vicariously experiencing the trauma of our clients, we all know the stresses of legal practice can take a toll on our mental health. This year's summit continues to share the lived experiences of legal practitioners while providing practical...

Reducing Stress in Client Relationships by ImmSeminars


Presenter/s: Lynn Gaudet B.A., LLB., RCIC Date: 08 May 2024 Time: 11 am to 2:15 pm Pacific Location: webinar Type: webinar and recording Price: $75.00 CPD approval: CICC 3 hours - 3 CPD hours approved. Includes 3 hours of professionalism/Code of Professional Conduct. Video recording expires 08 May 2025. LSBC 3 hours - 3 CPD hours approved. Video recording will expire on 31 December 2024. Attendance to this...