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Client Identification and Verification FAQs

Client identification and verification play an important part in combatting money laundering and the financing of terrorist activities. Rule XVI sets out the obligations of lawyers with respect to client identification and verification of identity. Here are some FAQs to help you navigate Rule XVI. The main areas covered by these FAQs are listed below – click on one to jump to the FAQs:

Overview of Obligations
Client Identification – Detailed Questions
Verification of Identity – Detailed Questions
Third Parties – Detailed Questions
Documentation – Detailed Questions

Related Topics:

Form – Client Identification and Verification for Individuals
Form – Client Identification and Verification for Organizations
Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Guidance for Lawyers
Webinar – Amendments to Parts XV, XVI, and V of the law Society Rules
Risk Advisories for the Legal Profession
Risk Assessment Case Studies for the Legal Profession
Law Office Organization and Administration
Red Flags
Mortgage Fraud – Red Flags

Overview of Obligations

Identification versus Verification
Identification Requirements
Verification Requirements
Source of Funds and Monitoring Obligations

Overview of Obligations: General


Where can I find the rules on client identification and verification?
Why is client identification and verification important?

Overview of Obligations: Identification versus Verification


The rule talks about identification and about verification. What’s the difference?
I work in a law firm. Do I have to personally identify or verify the identity of my clients?

Overview of Obligations: Identification Requirements


In what circumstances am I required to identify my client?
Do I have to identify anyone other than my client?
What information must I obtain when identifying a client if they are an individual?
What information do I have to obtain when identifying a client that isn’t an individual, such as a company or a public body?
Do I have to identify my client before acting for the client?

Overview of Obligations: Verification Requirements


In what circumstances do I have to verify my client’s identity?
Does every financial transaction trigger the verification requirement?
How do I verify the identity of an individual?
How do I verify identity using the government-issued photo ID method?
How do I verify an individual’s identity using the credit file method?
How do I verify an individual’s identity using the dual process method?
How do I verify the identity of an organization, such as a corporation or other entity?
The rule talks about identifying directors, shareholders and owners. What is required?
What are “reasonable efforts” with respect to identifying beneficial owners?
How do you confirm the accuracy of beneficial ownership information?
If I am not able to obtain information on the directors and beneficial owners, may I continue to act for the client?
If my client is an individual, do I have to verify their identity before acting for them?
If my client is an organization, do I have to verify identity before I can act for the client?
What happens if after the funds have moved I am unable to verify the identity of my client in the 30-day window?
When may I use an agent to verify identity?
Are there times when I must I use an agent to verify identity?
Who may act as an agent to verify identity?

Overview of Obligations: Source of Funds and Monitoring Obligations


There is a new requirement in the rule to obtain information about the “source of funds” relating to financial transactions. What does this mean and how do I fulfill this obligation?
Can I accept a client’s explanation as to the “source of funds”?
There is a new requirement in the rule to monitor the professional business relationship. What is the requirement and what does it entail?

Client Identification – Detailed Questions

Difficulty Obtaining Required Information
Working for the Client of Another Lawyer
Identifying Organizations and Instructing Individuals
Providing Summary Advice

Client Identification: General


Another lawyer in my firm already identified the client I am acting for. Am I permitted to rely on this identification?
I had a general retainer to provide legal services to a client before the rules were enacted. I have just been asked to provide legal advice on a new matter. I have not opened a new file. Do I have to identify this client?
I am representing the plaintiffs in a class action. Do I have to identify all of the plaintiffs?

Client Identification: Difficulty Obtaining Required Information


The rule requires me to obtain and record my client’s occupation. What do I do if the individual doesn’t have an occupation or doesn’t want to tell me what it is?
If my client is unable to provide some of the identification information required, for example an address or a phone number, am I obliged to withdraw?

Client Identification: Working for the Client of Another Lawyer


I have been retained by another lawyer to do work for her client. Do I have to identify the client?
What are my obligations in determining whether a lawyer for whom I am acting as agent or a lawyer who has referred a client to me has taken the necessary steps to identify that client?
The lawyer who referred the client to me identified the client, but I have now learned that the matter will involve a financial transaction. Do I have to verify the client’s identity?
I have been retained by a law firm to provide a legal opinion on an issue arising in a matter for which they are acting for a client. Do I have to identify or verify the identity of that client?

Client Identification: Identifying Organizations and Instructing Individuals


Are there any exceptions to the requirement to obtain information about organizations?
The corporation I have been retained by has authorized several people to instruct counsel. Do I have to identify all of them?
Do I have an obligation to look behind the assertion that an individual is authorized to instruct me on behalf of an organizational client?

Client Identification: Providing Summary Advice


Am I required to identify a person who exercises their right to counsel upon being detained by the police and calls me from detention?
I provide summary legal advice through a non-profit “law line” service. Do I have to identify the callers to whom I give advice?
I sometimes commission or notarize a document for someone I am not otherwise retained to represent. Do I have to identify that person?

Verification of Identity – Detailed Questions

Verification of Instructing Individuals
Giving Instructions in respect of Funds
Reliable Source Documents
Non-face-to-face Situations
Using an Agent
Subsequent Verification
Source of Funds Inquiries

Verification of Identity: Verification of Instructing Individuals


Although there is one senior person giving me instructions on behalf of my corporate client, I am also receiving instructions on discrete aspects of the matter from several other employees of the corporation. Do I have to verify the identity of each of them?

Verification of Identity: Exemptions


What is covered by the exemption for funds “paid by a financial institution”?
Are funds received from the trust account of a lawyer in another part of Canada exempt?
I am acting for the vendor in a real estate transaction. I will be receiving the proceeds of the sale from the trust account of the purchaser’s lawyer and, after paying off the outstanding mortgage, will be giving my client a cheque drawn on my trust account for the balance. Do I have to verify my client’s identity?
I settled a matter for my client. Do I have to verify my client’s identity?
I am acting for a client in a matter where money is being paid pursuant to a court order. Do the verification requirements apply?

Verification of Identity: Giving Instructions in respect of Funds


My client has come to me for tax advice in connection with some investments. Is this a situation in which I have to verify my client’s identity?
I am acting for a client with respect to the completion of a commercial transaction. I have prepared the necessary documentation to complete the transaction, but the closing funds will not be flowing through my trust account as my client will be paying these directly to the other side in accordance with the agreement and closing documentation. Is this a situation in which I have to verify my client’s identity?

Verification of Identity: Reliable Source Documents


I did the legal work to incorporate a business and am now acting for that business on another matter. May I rely on documents already in my possession to verify the client’s identity or must I rely on documents from a government registry?
My client is a law firm partnership that is reluctant to provide me with a copy of the partnership agreement. What should I do?
I am acting for a trust. How do I verify its identity?

Verification of Identity: Non-face-to-face Situations


I am a lawyer in Gander and my client is an individual located in Calgary. What methods can I use for verifying their identity?

Verification of Identity: Using an Agent


Do I have to pay the agent?
May I rely on verification documents faxed or emailed from the agent?
My client is not in Canada. What method must I use to verify my client’s identity?
I am acting for an organization located outside of Canada. Do I have to use an agent to verify the identity of the organization?
My client is acting on behalf of a third party located in Canada. I will not be meeting that third party in person. How do I verify the identity of this third party?
My client is a lawyer licensed to practise in a Canadian province or territory and the matter I am acting for them on involves a financial transaction. I am not able to meet them in person. Do I have to verify their identity?

Verification of Identity: Subsequent Verification


I have acted for an individual client before and have already verified the client’s identity under the current rules. Do I have to do it again?
My client is a corporation or a partnership. Do I have to verify its identity again if I have already done so under the current rules?
I have acted for a corporate client on several matters and previously verified identity in accordance with the rules. Someone new is now giving me instructions on behalf of the client. Do I have to verify that new individual’s identity?

Verification of Identity: Source of Funds Inquiries


If a corporate client indicates that the funds for a financial transaction are from a “shareholder’s loan,” do I have to inquire into the source of funds of the shareholder who lent the money to the corporation?

Third Parties – Detailed Questions

Client Behaviour and the Duty to Withdraw

Third Parties: General


My client is representing someone else. What are my obligations?
Do I have an obligation to ask my client if they are acting for a third party?
My client is acting on behalf of a minor. Do I have to identify the minor?
Are beneficiaries to an estate considered third parties within the meaning of the rule?
I am acting for a developer of a new condominium project and am holding in trust the monies paid as deposits by the purchasers of the condo units. Do I have to identify the purchasers?
I have been retained by a joint venture. Do I have to identify and verify the identity of the parties to the joint venture?
I am acting for a living trust that makes ongoing disbursements to the beneficiaries of the trust. Do the identification and verification obligations apply to these beneficiaries?
What are the obligations of insurance defence counsel, when defending an insured on the instructions of an insurer pursuant to a liability policy?
I am acting for the vendor in a real estate transaction. My client has directed me to pay the proceeds of the sale to another party. Do I have to verify the identity of that party?

Third Parties: Client Behaviour and the Duty to Withdraw


My client was evasive when I tried to get the necessary identification and verification information. What should I do?
I need advice about a specific situation that is not addressed in these questions. What should I do?

Documentation – Detailed Questions


Do I have to document the steps I take to verify my client’s identity?
Do I have to keep identification and verification information in a separate file or can I keep it with my client files?
Can I keep identification and verification information in electronic form?
How long do I have to retain client identification and verification information?

(Posted: November 18, 2020)