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2024 Benchers’ Election Results – Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador

At the 7 June 2024 AGM and pursuant to the Election Rules under the Law Society Act, 1999:

The following persons were acclaimed as Benchers (Eastern District) of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador:

  • John R. Whelan
  • Steven A. Scruton
  • Johnathan E. Earle

The following person was appointed as Bencher (Western District) of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador:

  • Mark A. Mills

2024-2025 Executive Committee

Immediately following the AGM on 7 June 2024, Benchers appointed the following Executive Committee:

  • Gladys H. Dunne, KC, as President
  • Rodney J. Zdebiak, KC, as Vice-President
  • D. Scott Worsfold as Past-President
  • Douglas W. Wright as Chair of the Complaints Authorization Committee
  • David S. Williams as Vice-Chair of the Complaints Authorization Committee

Thank you to all those who offered themselves as candidates.

Back Row: L-R: Rodney J. Zdebiak, KC, David S. Williams, D. Scott Worsfold, J. Alexander Templeton, Dean A. Porter, Ross Elliott.

Front Row: L-R: Gladys H. Dunne, KC, Glenda Reid, Brenda B. Grimes, KC (Executive Director), Gregory J. French, Linda Harnett.

Benchers Not in Photo: Carey S. Majid, KC, John R. Whelan, Steven A. Scruton, Valerie A. Hynes, KC, Johnathan E. Earle, Sheilagh Murphy, KC, Douglas W. Wright Lauren J. Chafe, Jonathan D. Regan, Derek P. L. Ford, Mark A. Mills, and Allan Skanes.


Posted: June 7, 2024