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CLIA Blog Post Roundup: Practice Management

CLIA has a strong commitment to loss prevention. We take a proactive approach to avoiding claims and developed a Loss Prevention Strategic Plan to more focus our energies on helping lawyers find the loss prevention resources they need. In case you missed it, here is a collection of loss prevention posts focused on practice management to help you better manage your practice and avoid errors:

Missed limitation periods continues to be one of the most common claims areas for CLIA Subscriber jurisdictions. Some reasons for missing a limitation period are inadequate office systems, human error and applying the wrong legislation. To help, we’ve compiled resources developed by our Subscribers and Partners. While some of the resources included may be jurisdiction specific, there are more general useful tips throughout to help you avoid missing limitation periods no matter your jurisdiction.

As previously noted in our post on limitation periods, Roundup: Avoiding Missed Limitation Periods, human error and inadequate office systems are two of the reasons lawyers miss deadlines, including limitation period. Improving time management skills can help. The Avoid a Claim blog published an outstanding series to help improve time management skills: Time Management Tips Tuesday.  See the post for tips compiled to help you better manage your time, your practice and avoid missed deadlines.

From the Law Society of Manitoba, a handy decision tree to help you determine if you should take on a new file.

Posted: August 14, 2024