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Compulsory CPD Seminar – Mental Health in the Legal Profession

Compulsory CPD Seminar
Mental Health in the Legal Profession
Date: Friday, March 18, 2022
Time: 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Online: Via Zoom

Recorded Session Link
LSNL Wellness Toolbox Link

Seminar Overview
Mental health specialists are witnessing a mental health tsunami that is being exacerbated by inadequate mental health care. For this reason, the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador (LSNL) would like to introduce you to self-care techniques and programs available to members of the Law Society through Homewood Health. Our presenters will introduce the Professional Assistance Program and will discuss mental health concerns that commonly arise in the practice of law. We’ll explore solutions and self-care techniques that are designed to help you, so you can better help others. This presentation will be relevant and beneficial to all members, especially as we work to move onward and upward despite the stressful conditions imposed by the ongoing pandemic and current geopolitical climate.

Why Compulsory?
LSNL has partnered with Homewood Health to provide a professional assistance program for lawyers and staff, as well as spouses and dependents. There are several advantages to a mandatory CPD seminar. First, it starts the conversation about wellness and addiction. The tone of the conversation should be that seeking help should be seen as a strength, not a weakness. Early intervention is clearly beneficial to clients and to the public in general. Second, the CPD seminar is intended to make the Homewood Professional Assistance Program familiar to all members as it is felt that many members are not aware of the program, and those who are, may be unaware of the scope of the services available. Third, making the CPD seminar mandatory removes the stigma that may be associated with attending a presentation on mental health and addiction issues. There is a lot of valuable information that should be communicated to members, but if the session is not mandatory, then members may not attend due to concerns about being identified as someone with a potential problem.

Seminar Presenters
Doron Gold
Doron Gold is a Staff Clinician at Homewood Health, the provider of the Law Society’s Member Assistance Program. He is a Registered Social Worker, Certified Professional Coach and psychotherapist. He also practiced law for 10 years, primarily in the areas of family law and civil litigation. Since 2006, Doron has assisted lawyers, paralegals, law students, judges, and their immediate family members with personal and professional issues such as addiction, depression, anxiety, and career stress. Doron’s role at Homewood Health includes psychotherapy with clients, assisting with the ongoing management of Homewood’s peer volunteer program as well as providing workshops and presentations to various groups in the community.

Doron has written and been quoted extensively in publications such as Lawyers’ Weekly, Law Times, Canadian Lawyer and LawPro Magazine on various topics related to lawyer distress and wellness. As well, Doron wrote a regular “Lawyer Therapist” column in Law Times. Doron has been asked to speak to various groups throughout Canada on topics as varied as Work-Life Balance, Lawyer Stress 101, Retirement, Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue. He is the co-author of the Canadian Bar Association’s “Mental Health and Wellness in the Legal Profession” online course and is the recipient of the 2016 CBA Wellness Forum Award of Excellence

Ariel Kirby
Ariel Kirby is an Account Executive based in Eastern Canada serving the Atlantic region. Ariel has worked within the public and private sector, working for organizations in a variety of industries, including aviation, disability management and physical rehabilitation. At Homewood, Ariel maintains a portfolio of medium and large segment customers, providing effective consultation and guidance on services to support her customers’ and their employees.

Apart from being an Account Executive for the Atlantic region, Ariel worked in physiotherapy for many years and currently supports our Military Reserve Force via the 33 Field Ambulance unit. Her background in physiotherapy has helped her appreciate the necessity for mental health support in the workplace.


CPD Credit: 1.5 hours

*The seminar will be recorded for those unable to attend live; members must complete before April 1, 2023