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Federal Family Law Publications Available For Order

The Department of Justice has updated its three printed publications to reflect recent changes to federal family law, including to the Divorce Act. Printed versions of these documents are now available to order.

These documents are:

  • Making Plans –This guide for parents contains helpful information about deciding on the best parenting arrangement for their children after separation or divorce. The guide provides information for parents who are making parenting arrangements under the Divorce Act, and can also be useful to parents who are separating even if the Divorce Act does not apply (also available online at:
  • The Federal Child Support Guidelines: Step-by-Step – This guide provides 8 easy steps to help determine child support pursuant to the Federal Child Support Guidelines (also available online at:
  • What Happens Next – This booklet helps children learn some basic facts about family law and gives them an idea of the processes that parents may go through when they separate.  It aims to help children realize that it is normal for them to have an emotional response to their parents’ divorce, and encourages children to voice their concerns to someone they trust. Parents can read the booklet with their younger children, while older children can read it themselves (also available online at:

If you wish to order copies of these documents for your office or clients, please contact the Department of Justice Family Law Information Line at: