Do I have to identify my client before acting for the client?
You must identify the client when you are retained to provide legal services. This can be done in conjunction with identification information to check for legal conflicts.
Read More...You must identify the client when you are retained to provide legal services. This can be done in conjunction with identification information to check for legal conflicts.
Read More...When an organization (a corporation, partnership, fund, trust, co-operative or unincorporated association) retains you, you must obtain and record the client’s full name, business address, business telephone number, the general...
Read More...When you are retained by an individual you must obtain and record, with the applicable date, the person’s full name, home address, home telephone number, occupation(s), and the address and...
Read More...Yes, in some circumstances. You must, for example, identify any third party who is directing or instructing your client. When your client is an organization, such as a company or...
Read More...You must identify your client whenever you are retained to provide legal services, except: when you provide legal services to your employer, for example as in-house counsel; when you are...