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Presentation – The Right to Decide in Newfoundland and Labrador

NLACL is pleased to invite you, your loved one or organization to come hear a public presentation by Dr. Michael Bach on ways to help address the barriers that people with cognitive, intellectual, developmental disabilities, or mental health issues, face in exercising choice and control in their lives. Please visit for a brief overview.

Dr. Michael Bach, IRIS – Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society will facilitate a public session and follow up day to design a community-based approach to the practical aspects of providing support to individuals who struggle to participate in financial and health-based decisions.

Commitments to law reform, enabling the use of support in decision making, have been made by the provincial government through a Mandate Letter from the Premier to the Minister of Justice and Public Safety.

This project is more of a “ground up” initiative and can be instrumental in proving that people can continue to live in their own homes, providing the ability to make decisions with support, if required, is legally recognized.

Please register at the most convenient location.

St. John’s Event: Feb 20th Capital Hotel:

Stephenville Event: Feb 18th Days Inn: