One of the sharpest tools in the lawyer’s arsenal is a surprisingly common item. The letter. Whether it’s a demand letter, a note sent during negotiations, or a client communication, your success could be dependent on a piece of correspondence. Join the CLE Performer, Stuart Teicher as he explains how to write a variety of...
Understand the nuances of the regulatory regime/criminal law nexus! Can't make the webinar or rebroadcasts? Want online CPD available 24/7? Subscribe to Courses On Demand, our comprehensive online resource with 1,500+ videos and 5,400+ papers from CLEBC courses. This course will be added to Courses on Demand approximately 30 days from the original course date. Who...
Practices to help you effectively identify family violence Thursday and Friday, October 3 and 4, 2024 9:00 am - 5:30 pm (both days) via webinar only Limited enrolment. Register early to avoid disappointment! Please note: This course will not be added to Courses on Demand. Courses involving professional speakers and skills-based workshops generally do not get added to Courses on Demand....
Episode 1: “Mediators; Not Judges, Not Arbitrators, Not Decision makers. What, really, is mediation?” 19th September 2024 - Past Event Episode 2: “Can ADR transform a Society? The Jamaican Experience” 3rd October 2024, 1pm BST John Bassie Register here The various forms of ADR mechanisms are touching global societies and groups. Jamaica has been...
Learning Options: Live webinar with chat* includes 60 day replay 9:00 am – 10:30 am (Pacific) 10:00 am – 11:30 am (Mountain) 11:00 am – 12:30 pm (Central) 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm (Eastern) 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm (Atlantic) 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm (Newfoundland) *This program features real-time audio and video of the...
Online Zoom Presentation 1 hour followed by 15 mins for further discussion with our presenter or FDRIA Recording will be available on demand the following the presentation Register here ABSTRACT This webinar is for family law professionals who work with parents experiencing significant conflict in co-parenting and implementing their parenting plan often resulting in continuous court...
Simple strategies for resolving high conflict situations with high conflict people Limited enrolment for in-person registrations. Register early to avoid disappointment! Please note: This course will not be added to Courses on Demand. Courses involving professional speakers and skills-based workshops generally do not get added to Courses on Demand. Who should attend: Lawyers, mediators; this course may also be of interest...
For those who work in an environment where there is potential for violence, it is important to develop the skills needed to defuse dangerous situations. This workshop is designed to teach people to de-escalate potentially violent situations through assertiveness and interpersonal communication. The training will explore how anger and violence interplay, including opportunities for self-assessment...
What You'll Learn Who Should Attend Faculty Agenda Pricing and Group Rates Financial Assistance CPD and Accreditation FAQs Client and Technical Support Register Artificial intelligence is disrupting and revolutionizing a broad spectrum of industries. While innovation creates the potential for new opportunities, AI has also opened the door to a multitude of novel legal issues,...
Managing Insurance Disputes and Claims What You'll Learn Who Should Attend Faculty Pricing and Group Rates Financial Assistance CPD and Accreditation FAQs Client and Technical Support Register In the dynamic world of insurance disputes, don’t get left behind. Get critical legal updates and discuss hot topics for professionals in the insurance industry with this essential...
Given that the average person spends 60 percent of their time at work, our organizations play a pivotal role in how psychologically safe we feel. A workplace can either protect our psychological health or diminish it. A psychologically safe organization actively strives to both prevent psychological harm and actively boost psychological safety. This workshop provides...
Live webinar with chat *includes 60 day replay 9:00 am – 10:30 am (Pacific) 10:00 am – 11:30 am (Mountain) 11:00 am – 12:30 pm (Central) 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm (Eastern) 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm (Atlantic) 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm (Newfoundland) *This program features real-time audio and video of the presenter with...
On October 14th, join us for a one-hour webinar at 2:00 pm ADT to learn about the Atlantic Immigrant Career Loan Fund (AICLF). This ISANS-led initiative can help immigrants with permanent resident status or Canadian citizenship obtain training and certification in their chosen fields or related fields in their new home provinces. During this event,...
What You'll Learn Who Should Attend Faculty Agenda Pricing and Group Rates Financial Assistance CPD and Accreditation FAQs Client and Technical Support Register The not-to-be-missed annual forum for practitioners in the administrative and regulatory sectors—now in its 19th year. Get up to date on the most significant administrative law developments in Canada For 19 years, the...
We all encounter people we find difficult, and typically conversations with them leave us feeling stressed and frustrated. This workshop explores what is happening in those exchanges and demonstrates how people can adapt their strategies to bring about more productive conversations with those they find difficult. Individual approaches for dealing with difficult people will be...
Join the Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security & Trust Industry Summit. PST2024 provides a premier forum for sharing advances in cybersecurity research. Featuring: Thursday, October 17th, Post-quantum and Critical Infrastructure workshops, location pending, and registration will be separate. Speakers include: Melanie Anderson, Director General, Information Assurance at the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security Atty...
Episode 1: “Mediators; Not Judges, Not Arbitrators, Not Decision makers. What, really, is mediation?” 19th September 2024 - Past Event Episode 2: “Can ADR transform a Society? The Jamaican Experience” 3rd October 2024 - Past Event Episode 3: “Mediation - The Changing face of Access to Justice” 17th October 2024, 1pm BST René M. Baptiste...
Online Zoom Presentation This regional meeting is for members of Family Dispute Resolution Institute Atlantic (FDRIA), all family law professionals in the Atlantic region, and any professionals working around family law cases. It is an opportunity to connect and share with like-minded family law professionals in the region. The purpose of the meeting is to...
In the absence of intentional coaching, employees often lack the support they need to develop and perform at their highest levels. Effective leaders are skilled at coaching the people they lead to inspire growth, change, and healthy work relationships. This workshop provides a leadership approach for coaching others effectively and provides tools that bring out...
What You'll Learn Who Should Attend Faculty Agenda Pricing and Group Rates Financial Assistance CPD and Accreditation FAQs Client and Technical Support Register The must-attend event for financial services. Get unparalleled access and the opportunity to interact with major regulators and industry leaders including: FCAC, CIRO, CCIR, AMF, OPC, OSC/CSA and FSRA. Financial institutions are facing...
From a review of the book: Invisible Prisons is an extraordinary, empathetic collaboration between the magnificent writer Lisa Moore, best-known for her award-winning fiction, and a man named Jack Whalen, who as a child was held for four years at a reform school for boys in St John’s, where he suffered jaw-dropping abuses and deprivations....
Dates: September 19-20, and October 23-25, 2024 (40 hours) Cost: $2,000 Multi-course discount: Deduct $100 off the price of your second, and each subsequent, course. Pre-requisites: Law degree or mental health professional, unless otherwise approved. *Completion of the Screening for Power Imbalances and Family Violence course is highly recommended. Elevate your family mediation skills over five intensive days, as...
The Canadian Lawyers Insurance Association (CLIA) is pleased to partner with the Law Society of Saskatchewan to bring the CLIA Peace of Mind Virtual Conference to members in our Subscriber jurisdictions. This free half-day virtual conference will provide sessions to help improve your practice and avoid errors. DATE: October 24th, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm...
Learning Options: Live webinar with chat* includes 60 day replay 9:00 am – 10:30 am (Pacific) 10:00 am – 11:30 am (Mountain) 11:00 am – 12:30 pm (Central) 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm (Eastern) 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm (Atlantic) 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm (Newfoundland) *This program features real-time audio and video of the...
Limited enrolment for in-person registrations. Register early to avoid disappointment! Please note: This course will not be added to Courses on Demand. Courses involving professional speakers and skills-based workshops generally do not get added to Courses on Demand. Who should attend: All mediators and those acting as counsel in mediations Learning level: Intermediate Have your best mediation skills failed with some clients?...
Handling difficult interactions on the phone is a challenging task, especially if the caller is in a heightened state of emotion. For many, the ability to navigate difficult phone conversations with respect and professionalism is an essential workplace skill. This workshop is designed to provide practical strategies for dealing with clients and customers over the...
Dealing with issues related to mental health in the workplace can be challenging and difficult to navigate. It is essential that organizations have the capabilities to manage mental health because early identification and support typically leads to continued productivity and retention of employees. This workshop provides a roadmap to help managers participate in conversations with...
ABOUT THE PROGRAM Are you new to trusts or looking to refresh your understanding of how trusts are used in practice? Join noted trusts and estates practitioner Richard Niedermayer for this practical, introductory-level dive into the what, why, when, and how of trusts. Richard will translate complex trust concepts into simple, understandable terms, making it...
Leading through conflict is an essential leadership skill. When leaders fail to respond quickly and effectively to conflict, the people they lead suffer and workplace performance plummets. Many conflicts would not spiral out of control if leaders used conflict resolution techniques that are easy to learn and utilize. This workshop provides strategies for leading through...
The Commonwealth Lawyers Association invites you to join them for a mediation guest lecture series as episode 4 takes place with Justice Vasheist V Kokaram JA. Register here to attend Constitutions must respond to developing norms of shared regional and international values of human rights and the rule of law. It is a visioning of...
Duration: 60 Minutes Webinar Id: 23400 Unlimited Attendees: Any number of participants Recorded Version: Unlimited viewing for 6 months (Access information will be emailed 24 hours after the completion of live webinar) Overview: Just about every workplace has at least one difficult employee. In this webinar, we will identify the various types of difficult employees and various strategies that can...
COMPLEMENTARY PRESENTATION Register Here A family dispute resolution service that provides for mediation to resolve concerns with the option to move to arbitration for concerns that are not settled. This webinar is for family law professionals who are looking at family dispute resolution options for their practice and families. Hear how Mediation Arbitration could be...
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