Email Scams
Below is a sample of the most recent fraudulent email scam. You will also find a list of names associated to the various types of email scams which continue to...
Read More...Below is a sample of the most recent fraudulent email scam. You will also find a list of names associated to the various types of email scams which continue to...
Read More...The Administration of the Oaths of Office to The Honourable George L. Murphy as Justice of the Trial Division of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador (Happy Valley-Goose Bay)...
Read More...The Law Society Library is offering brief orientation tours for new students and articled clerks. Orientation sessions can be done individually or in groups. Please encourage your students to contact...
Read More...This edition features two articles: “Limiting Missed Limitation Claims” provides pointers on how to avoid becoming a missed limitation period insurance claims statistic and “Ten Tips for Safe Pro Bono”...
Read More...Missing Book O’Brien’s Encyclopedia of Forms – Wills & Trusts Irwin Law E-Library The Law Society Library has recently subscribed, on a one-year trial basis, to Irwin Law’s E-Library,...
Read More...For those interested in reading the details of the report – NL Legal Aid Review
Read More...“The Canada Not-for profit Corporations Act replaces Part II of the Canada Corporations Act. Are you ready? The new Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (NFP Act) presents a more modern, flexible...
Read More...The Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador is seeking expressions of interest from members in filling a vacancy on Benchers. The Law Society Act, 1999, provides that when a Bencher resigns...
Read More...Until now, the Professionals’ Assistance Program has been jointly sponsored by the Law Society and the Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association. Recently the relationship ended and the Law Society decided...