Professor Jerry Bannister of Dalhousie University writes in his Introduction to Volume II:
“With the publication of Volume Two of the journal of Robert Carter, the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador has made a wonderful contribution to our knowledge of the province’s history and culture. As with Volume One, the editors have done an outstanding job in producing a book that is at once scholarly and accessible to the general reader. By publishing an unabridged version of the journal up to 1852, they have given us the remarkable ability to trace Carter’s life and career longitudinally and to make direct comparisons across different eras in the history of Newfoundland and Labrador. This is no small feat, and we are all in their debt. My advice to readers is simple: plunge in and immerse yourself in a world that is at once foreign and familiar, though keep in mind the Law Society is not responsible for hours lost in pleasurable reading.” This volume, in two parts, completes the documentary record of Robert Carter’s diary and Court cases for the entirety of the 21 years of his diary, 1832-1852, begun in Volume I. The text is accompanied by: B & W and full colour illustrations, the transcribed text of the two Reports of the Commissioners adapting the Criminal Law of England to the Colony, the “Rough Copy file” of Carter’s cases 1848-1852, the Ferryland District Voters’ List 1847, a glossary of terms, biographical profiles and a select bibliography.
A Ferryland Merchant – Magistrate: The Journal and Cases of Robert Carter, Esq. J.P. 1841-1852 Vol. 2. Edited by Gerald Barnable, Christopher Curran, and Melvin Baker (2014)