Robert Carter served as Magistrate in Ferryland at a pivotal point in Newfoundland’s history: the tumultuous period from the grant of representative government in 1832 to the emergence of responsible government in 1855. His journal offers an unrivalled picture, over a sustained period of 21 years, of life in this important Newfoundland outport community throughout almost the entirety of this formative period. When combined with his cases in Ferryland’s Court of General and Quarter Sessions during this time, what emerges is an incomparably rich picture of a vibrant 19th century Newfoundland community. B & W and colour illustrations, a glossary of terms, biographical profiles, the 1840 Ferryland District Voters’ List, and a select bibliography supplement the text.
A Ferryland Merchant – Magistrate: The Journal and Cases of Robert Carter, Esq. J.P. 1832-1940 Vol. 1. Edited by Gerald Barnable, Christopher Curran, and Melvin Baker (2013)